Gellyball 10 blasters and 10 masks. 3.0 hours

Gellyball 10 blasters and 10 masks. 3.0 hours


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● With this package you get 3 hours of fun, 10 blasters, 10 masks, 160,000 Gellyballs, and 1 instructor to help run your games, help you reload, and change batteries. 


What is Gellyball?
○ Gellyball is the revolutionary, lower-impact, shooting game for all ages! Our
commercial-grade, battery-powered blasters launch hydrated gel orbs at targets
or other players in a variety of game scenarios.

● What are Gellyballs?
○ Gellyball ammo is 90% water, biodegradable and non-toxic containing no paint or
stain. With zero cleanup required outdoors and very little indoors, it is the perfect
experience for nearly any event, location and age.

● Does Gellyball Hurt?
○ Pain factor varies from person to person. Some say yes, there’s a little sting. While
others don’t bat an eye! Within a 20ft range, it’s like being snapped with a rubber
band on bare skin. After 70ft, it’s comparable to heavy rain drops falling.

● Where can you set up to play Gellyball?
○ Almost anywhere! Indoors, outside, day or night!
○ From backyards, indoor fields, resorts and theme parks!

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